5 steps to writing accurate virtual assistant scripts
Ana Chagas Soares July 23, 2021
Every day more and more present and ubiquitous in our daily lives, who would have thought that communication between humans and virtual assistant was “lost in translation” not so long ago. ?  In February 2017, Silicon Valley blog The Information reported that the technology "could fulfil only about 30 percent of requests without human agents."  And that wasn't the only problem. "The bots built by outside developers had issues: the technology to understand human requests wasn't developed enough. Usage was disappointing," they're told. At that time, every now and then one of those robots was the subject of jokes by internet users and even comedians.
But the game has turned around very quickly! ?
Now, virtual assistant can answer 80% of frequently asked questions. According to specialists, about 90% of customer interaction in banks will be automated by 2022. Compared to other industries, 85% of customer interaction will be handled without human agents by this year, 50% of businesses plan to spend more on chatbots than on mobile apps and 37% of people use a customer service bot to get a quick answer in an emergency. (Data collected by Smallbizzgenius on November, 2020). Do you want to get into this area or are you curious to know “behind the scenes'' how robots can better and better interact with humans? Then pay attention to these 5 steps to write foolproof bots ?

1. Relentlessly search ?

To do any kind of research, many people open the first page of Google, read over the first 3 or 4 articles and ok, get satisfied. Well, sorry to tell you this, but that’s a hudge mistake... No matter what the target audience or subject matter, it is very worthwhile to look for academic articles, books, and renowned international publications. Not to mention, the main thing in this process: interacting with the main players in the worldwide market.
Don't speak the language? No problem at all: Google Translator is there 4 u ?
There’s an article from Boardroom Insiders, a BI company, that point the areas you should cover: Biographical History, Personal Interests and Affinities, Overall Company Strategy, Current Focus (how your customer measures success) and Key Challenges (how you stand in the market in front of your competitors).

2. Benchmark

This second step is a dive into that initial research. For example, are you going to make a banking virtual assistant? Map out the best ones in the world. Well, I’m Brazilian, there are amazing institutions here, but was it enough to look only here in my country? Of course not! So, I talked to bots from the United States to Hong Kong.  There were 27 bots surveyed, among them the market leader: erica from Bank of America. It is only accessible to BofA account holders. I reached out to some friends who live in the United States and are account holders of the American bank, and set up an interview with them. Nowadays, with WhatsApp and Skype, there are no more barriers. ? Benchmark is a key action for tracking the overall progress of a product or service, as well as comparing the product with an earlier version, a competitor, an industry benchmark, or a target.

The page of the NN/g Nielsen Norman Group, a world reference in design, explains the whole process in 6 steps:

  1. Choose what to measure: focus on the key metrics that best reflect the quality of the user experience you’re interested in evaluating.
  2. Decide how to measure: will it be quantitative or qualitative research?
  3. Collect first measurement and establish baseline
  4. Redesign the product: collect additional measurement
  5. Interpret findings
  6. Calculate ROI (as an optional action)

3. Listening to ?

It is a complementary step to Benchmark and equally fundamental. Well, when doing any kind of user or customer research, you need to understand the other person's opinion with an "open heart". Listen without taking it personally, you know? Or as the Americans say, "no hard feelings".  In short, keep your therapy up to date, leave your ego aside to accept the harshest feedback and transform them into product improvements. In this case, bots scripts. A 2016 survey conducted by Goin.io, an Israeli data intelligence startup, stated that the average hiring professional typically talks 75% of the time during business meetings.  However, those who do the opposite - that is, who listen approximately 60% of the time during the meeting - usually close better deals, with more expressive results.  The explanation of the success of a good listener is obvious: the listener diagnoses pains and knows how to treat them properly ?

Do u wanna improve your listening skills? So, pay attention to 3 principles:

  1. Empathy (truly understanding the other person's point of view).
  2. Investigative questions.
  3. Validation of understanding (knowing if you really understood the other person's message by asking questions like "I understood such information, is it really what I meant?").

4. Planning ?

Have you researched virtual assistant, mapped out the entire history of the market you are going to operate in and also investigated your competitors? Have you listened so much to your customer that you can guess his thoughts and read his facial expressions? 
Excellent!!! ? Then, and only then, comes the time to start designing the flows.

For this moment, here are some tips used by the experts at everis Virtual Agents, the department responsible for virtual assistant :

  • Build personas that represent your target audience: collect all the data gathered in the research and outline all the profiles that will relate to the virtual assistant. Most of the time, it is more than one. For example, in a bank, there are the executive, the housewife, the student, and countless social classes... To each one of them, create a kind of character, with name, nationality, where they live, habits, and even photos. Why all this? Simple, because it is much easier to talk to a person, even if they only exist on paper, than to draw dialogues for the abstract.
  • Build another persona to represent your virtual assistant: the principle and the reason for this process is identical to the previous paragraph. But here, only one persona counts. After all, you don't want to make a bipolar bot, right? ?
  • Be clear about the usefulness of this bot: nowadays every bot needs to have a bit of Jerry Seinfield, that is, it needs to tell good jokes. It is what we call in the jargon chit-chat. But besides entertaining its consumer, the bot needs to make its purpose clear. If it is a bank bot, it needs to help the customer to find his balance, statement, etc... If it is a health bot, to prevent diseases, coronavirus, etc...

5. Design ?️

When we are "drooling" over chatbots, I imagine you will agree with me that the amazing thing is not exactly the chatbot itself, the technical part, but what we put into this technology. That is, the content, the ability to converse. Do you agree? In this logic, a renowned expert on bots, Mary Kathryn Johnson, from the Bot Academy, made a text with an amazing analogy: If you receive guests at home for a barbecue, you won't immediately show up at the door with a plate of meet and a beer, right? This caution, this politeness, also occurs in a conversation at the bot. No hustle!  A good script needs to have a cadence: first the bot welcomes the customer, chats a little, presents its services, and only then offers something (a product, a service, a loan, it depends on the bot branch). If all this happens right, with an excellent copywrite, microcopy, and especially CTA buttons, then yes, the happy ending happens, which would be the conversion.

As for the peculiarities, it is worth paying attention to the new way of writing and speaking on the Internet:

  • Genderless Texts: The New York City Commission on Human Rights has identified no less than 31 gender identities. You won't be the one to decide whether the person chatting with the bot will be male or female, right? Latin languages suffer more from sexism (there are many words in the feminine or masculine). In any speech, it is worth choosing genderless expressions.
  • Spoken language: Experts say that in less than 10 years virtual assistants such as Alexa and Google Assistant will become as ubiquitous devices in our daily lives as a television and refrigerator are today in the homes of the world. With this, spoken language will be mandatory.
  • Emojis + gifs: The universe is becoming more informal, even in the more serious sectors, such as banking and even government. Emojis and gifs are the new “Esperanto” — everybody, from Brazil to Tokio can understand the same simbols— and this nice figures can immediately translate information, much better than a thousand words ?
  • Short texts: ‘cause nobody has time for anything anymore. Put as much information in as few words and short paragraphs, preferably, with no more than 4 lines.
¡Hope you enjoyed it!
Must News
Instagram messenger API creates a unique conversational experience
Jenny Machado June 25, 2021
Instagram now has the Messenger API available so that companies and brands can connect with their audiences generating a great conversational AI experience.
The social network adds a plus to its value proposal to improve the user experience, incorporating a new customer service channel with the Messenger API.
eva, our platform for creating and managing virtual assistants, can now connect to Instagram’s API in order to develop conversational streams.
We want to achieve a true conversational AI experience by providing the necessary resources and large-scale capabilities for businesses to deliver messaging experiences with Instagram.
It’s time for enterprises to drive the conversational experience with the aim of giving their customers the attention they need
The Messenger team noted that different use cases came up during the creation of the Messenger API for Instagram, but they highlighted three points:
  • Many companies want to manage all communications in one place.
  • Many companies want to scale their investments in workflows, tools and people efficiently across channels. The API helps deliver an enhanced, high-quality customer experience.
  • The API helps deliver a high quality and improved customer experience.
Dive deeper into these key points  here.

Virtual assistants on Instagram: the new revolution

Virtual assistants on Instagram   The everis team, hosted the webinar “Virtual Assistants on Instagram: The New Revolution” where we were able to delve into the advantages of the new API, how to take advantage of this new functionality in companies, how eva can adapt to the API and offer automated conversational experiences and more. The session featured speakers from another level: Daniel Núñez, Product Marketing Manager at Facebook, Rosa Narvaéz, Omnichannel & Customer Hub Manager at Iberia and Mario Armas, Virtual Assistants Evangelist at everis. "Messaging helps companies eliminate friction in the customer journey" Daniel Núñez, shared his vision of why it is so important to create conversational experiences through messaging and commented that according to surveys conducted by the team, people prefer to message rather than call companies. "The Messenger API for Instagram makes it easy to manage large volumes of customer messages, which helps turn conversations into business results." There are different benefits and functionalities offered by the Instragram API, so that companies can experiment and take advantage of this great opportunity without limits to their imagination. Mario Armas, focused his point of view on the fact that companies must have intelligent conversations adapted to the values of their brands. In addition, he highlighted the importance of generating conversational sales with an omnichannel solution; and at this point, he presented our eva solution. Rosa Narvaés, participated during the discussion and mentioned that this new solution can serve as a very powerful inspiration to create rounded experiences.
"Seven out of 10 adults are more inclined to make purchases through a company they can contact via instant messaging" detailed Daniel.
We invite you to check out this interesting session here

Interesting facts

  • Instagram is the most powerful social network, has grown non-stop since its creation, reaching more than one billion users worldwide, with more than 500 million active accounts and more than 25 million professional profiles.
  • 90% of people follow brands or companies on Instagram

Automate responses via messaging API on Instagram with conversational AI

We know that Instagram is booming in communications, and we are aware that with the millions of users that the social network has, the amount of messages will be crazy, that’s why we prepared quickly so that Eva can connect to its API. With eva we can achieve a connection that will allow us to give answers to users through stories, direct messages, mentions, in addition, create interactions with the brand through conversational AI. Companies can leverage this new solution in a smart and effective way to grow their business. [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4="https://eva.bot/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/eva_everis_instagram-11.mp4" poster="https://eva.bot/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/iStock-5119183981-scaled.jpg"][/video]

eva can integrate a virtual assistant into this new channel that will provide companies with key benefits

  • Provide instant product information and drive sales.
  • Support your users with their questions when they need it.
  • Provide natural and personalized attention.
  • Have greater visibility in customer service analytics.
  • A personalized service that will make your customers loyal to you.
Learn the steps to connect the API in our eva platform.  
Must News
4 reasons for banks to bet on AI Conversational
Jenny Machado June 21, 2021
The banking sector has transformed the way it approaches and interacts with its customers thanks to conversational AI and omnichannel solutions.
Today we refer to this model as conversational banking.
The digital revolution has made users increasingly demanding, and to offer a better service, banks are adapting to new technological trends. The banking industry seeks to offer innovative services to scale and become increasingly competitive. The banking sector leverages conversational AI as a powerful tool to generate communication with customers in a natural and personalized way, through virtual assistants. Conversational banking provides agile and efficient assistance with 24/7 availability, while optimizing operational processes.

Conversational Banking and Omni-channel Solutions

everis' expert team defines that conversational banking, based on virtual assistants, can help both in basic routine functions and in the management and advice of personal finances. The use of virtual assistants is proliferating, so financial companies must transform their business model and migrate from transactional to conversational. Omnichannel solutions play a fundamental role in this new business model because it offers consumers the experience of connecting through any digital channel, allowing an efficient integration between them, and offering their customers an interrelated path. Omni-channel refers to a user having the ability to initiate an interaction in one channel (mobile) and continue it in another (desktop) without losing the thread of communication with consistency and fluidity. To achieve this, Conversational AI is needed. In this system converge: artificial intelligence, messaging applications and voice recognition. Creating a virtual assistant that can integrate with each channel, adapts to the values of banking and also generates a good connection with customers is no easy task. To provide an optimal, efficient and scalable solution, we have eva, a Conversational AI platform for creating and managing virtual agents that can help financial institutions meet this major challenge.

How can conversational AI help banks boost their business?

We know that users are increasingly demanding and require to be served and understood quickly, securely, and efficiently. It is important for the financial institution to maintain a close relationship of loyalty and trust with its customers. Conversational AI can bring a better experience to both customers and the operations team in financial institutions.

For users, some benefits include:

  • Avoid queues for procedures that can be handled from any digital device.
  • Enjoy a personalized, fast, secure, and efficient experience.
  • Having a 24/7 service available.
  • Offer customized products according to their needs.

For the operations team, some benefits include:

Conversational Banking
  • Having a 360° view of their customers, allowing them to offer and improve their products and services according to their needs.
  • Solve user queries in an automated way.
  • Optimize time
  • Reduce costs
  • Learn more about the benefits of Conversational AI in the banking sector by visiting eva for banking


Here are 4 important benefits of Conversational AI in the banking industry

Here are 4 important benefits of adapting the banking industry with omnichannel solutions   

1. Banking customers move from physical to digital.

Banking customers Users have adopted new ways of interacting in their banking activities, rapidly migrating from physical to digital channels. This translates to more and more banking customers moving away from physical branches to conduct their transactions through digital channels, and therefore need companies to provide a fully integrated experience. Conversational AI could create omnichannel experiences to deliver the same service across each of the digital channels through natural language.

 2. Personalized information without losing contact with the financial institution.

Personalized information without losing contact with the financial institution. Having a conversational banking system that truly meets the needs of customers is a real challenge. This is due to the synchronization of data in real time in each of the channels. That is, when a customer starts a process in one channel and finishes it in another without losing the data from the beginning. Also, having the possibility that they can connect with a human agent whenever they want, keeping the information from the beginning. For this to happen seamlessly, virtual assistants need to be created with artificial intelligence capabilities. Thanks to artificial intelligence, banking companies will be able to change their model to conversational banking and thus adapt to omnichannel solutions, allowing their users to communicate across different channels and switch from one channel to another midstream, even following communication with a human agent. This is a very powerful advantage for banking agents, as they will be able to obtain accurate information about users' needs and anticipate their requests to save time and improve the personalized experience.

3. Reduce costs and improve the bank's operating times

Reduce costs and improve the bank's operating times A new study by Juniper Research determined that the savings in operating costs derived from the use of chatbots in banking will reach 7.3 billion dollars worldwide by 2023, compared to the 209 million dollars estimated in 2019. The impact on cost reduction is very relevant. Financial institutions will be able to increase sales and branchless transactions, in addition to reducing operational costs by automating and optimizing processes by implementing Conversational AI. Integration with a virtual assistant will allow human agents to focus their attention on other activities, improving time and reducing operating costs. For bank employees, a virtual assistant with omnichannel capabilities will be a tool that will allow them to have a 360° view of their customers, understanding their needs to take the best commercial actions. The research, AI in Fintech: Roboadvisors, Lending, Insurtech & Regtech 2019-2023, indicates that virtual assistants can reduce excessive operational costs in financial services by resolving customer queries in a fully automated way.

4. Improving customer experience through conversational AI

Improve the experience of your banking customers Juniper Research forecasts that conversational banking will be on the rise, so that by 2022, virtual assistants will handle up to 90% of user interactions. With the integration of different channels, banks will be able to offer a high-quality experience to their customers at each of their touch points. Customers not only expect to be able to perform different actions through digital media, but also want to have a fluid communication, solve their problems as quickly as possible, while having confidence and security in their data. Banking companies should not lose the bond of trust with their customers generated by the approach or human contact, so it is important that digital channels have personality, human approach and maintain the implicit values of the brand. The financial sector must take advantage of the capabilities of Conversational AI to impact the market, lower costs and offer a great experience to its users by enabling instant communication.  
Must News
The intelligent voice: How do conversational agents transform business?
Jenny Machado April 16, 2021

Advances in conversational AI are driving people's interactions with conversational assistants.

This presents an opportunity to develop digital transformation strategies that move towards more efficient process management systems.
These interfaces enable a different, more human and fully conversational experience, opening up a world of possibilities for connection between the company and its customers. For the customer, the experience becomes omnichannel thanks to the combination of artificial intelligence and digital channels. And users have the possibility to contact companies through different channels, in a 24x7 service, without waiting lines and receiving the best personalized experience.

What are the needs of organizations to implement these systems? What is our technological approach?

The answer is simple: The future of conversational agents. 
We invite you to listen to this webinar where we will talk about our technological approach for the success of organizations, we will teach eva, our Conversational AI platform to create and manage virtual assistants and also, we will listen to the voice of important customers who are betting on conversational assistants. From everis: María Cobos, Manager Digital Experience, Marcos Obed, everis Assistant Manager and Joan Manel López Francesch, Global head eva professional Services.   If you want to enjoy the webinar, we invite you to click here
Must News
Virtual Assistant: a powerful tool that connects companies to their customers.
Jenny Machado March 17, 2021

Today, Virtual Assistants are essential to connect enterprises with their users.

Communication between companies and users is increasingly important to create a good experience.

Generally, technological advances and artificial intelligence can establish a good connection between companies and customers.

From anywhere and through any communication channel.

Communication between enterprises and users is increasingly important to create a good experience with the service they offer to their users.

In this cases, we would like to talk about virtual assistants, also known as chatbots:
  • The benefits of implementing them in your company.
  • The different types of chatbots that exist in the market.
  • And, of course, the importance of creating a Virtual Assistant that fits your needs.

Let's talk about chatbots

Thus, virtual Assistants are used in many companies because they are a powerful tool to create a connection with customers.

They are also considered artificial intelligence software that allows conversations in real time. 

These dialogues take place in a digital environment and their main objective is to be able to clear questions, help with procedures or transactions, manage orders, schedule appointments, make purchases, answer questions, automate processes, and much more.

The use of conversational AI offer countless possibilities

One of its functions is to assist users by simulating a person on the other side of the chat.

What are the real benefits?

The benefits can be seen from two points of view, one aligned to companies and the other directed to users. Virtual Assistants are essential to connect enterprises with their users.

Get to know some of the benefits

For users

  • A chatbot will reduce the long "on hold" minutes to an immediate response.
  • Service 24x7, 365 days a year.
  • Customized treatment and adapted to the needs of each user.
  • Process automation.
  • Faster response time.
  • Ease of communication with users anywhere and through different channels.

For companies

  • Automated conversations that offer a service to users at a lower and more efficient cost.
  • It reduces the workload within teams and improves team productivity. 
  • There is the option to respond appropriately to the needs of each client.
  • Their presence at work is permanent, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

How do users connect positively with Virtual Agents?

Particularly, company user connects with a virtual assistant, thus, prob the bot will answer certain questions.

If there is no good communication, the experience will not be pleasant and, the bot did not reach its goal.

This will not bring good results, neither for the organization nor for the user who interacted with the bot, in this cases.

Easy or complicated

Thus, when analyzing the different companies, we can see that they have "chatbots" to "follow" the trend.

As a rule it is possible to create a chatbot without being an experienced programmer.

But the difficulty lies in creating one with artificial intelligence that is able to go beyond answering simple questions.

The different types of virtual assistants

Without going into detail, let's have a quick overview of the different types of chatbots:

Open and closed:

Such as, open chatbots have the ability, due to artificial intelligence, to learn freely through their interactions with users, and can maintain conversations in a more natural tone.

So then, closed chatbots, on the other hand, follow a programmed conversation flow, also using artificial intelligence, but in a controlled way. 

Rule-based and conversational

With the rule-based chatbots, users cannot establish a fluid conversation, they can only interact with the bot through predefined commands. 

They work based on a command and follow a sequential logic. Also, interaction is directed.

As the word itself says, "Conversational", in this case, people are free to write whatever they want to the chatbot. These, in turn, are technologically more complex, also known as cognitive chatbots.

Cognitive chatbots are based on artificial intelligence and machine learning and have the ability to understand and process natural language.

+ More

Some chatbots have these two characteristics together, which provides an interesting advantage. They are a fusion between rule-based and cognitive, working through keyword recognition.

What is the best conversational AI to connect enterprises with their users?

Cognitive chatbots are among the favorites, however, each chatbot will depend on the company's target audience and the need for implementation.

What is really important is adding value and personality to the bot to achieve the desired interaction between the company and its customers.

The question is, how does one create a good Virtual Assistant?

So, an excellent Virtual Assistant must be aligned with the brand it represents, so it is important to research the company values and the user profile in detail.

In this way, a bot can be created with the correct and specific language for the business.

As a result, It is essential to create an environment of trust between the company and potential customers, so that the balance is favorable to both.

There are methodologies and tools that can be implemented to achieve this goal.

Interesting facts

  • Howard Gardner, a famous Psychologist, Researcher and Professor at Harvard University, known for formulating the theory of "multiple intelligences" which, incidentally, proposed that human life requires the development of various types of intelligence, considering it as "the ability to solve problems or develop valued products. "
  • He predicted that by 2025, customer service companies that incorporate artificial intelligence into their platforms will increase operational efficiency by 25%.
  • In brief, more than 2.5 billion people have at least one messaging or chat app on their mobile devices.

Here, I indicate an interesting platform capable of creating bots with artificial intelligence, which has the virtue of being omnichannel, multilingual, and offers a series of benefits that will help you create the most suitable bots for your business.

As we know, virtual assistants are a powerful tool for connecting companies to their customers. I recommend visiting this website, where you can communicate with experts in the field.

Virtual Assistants are essential to connect companies with their users. We invite you to learn more at eva.bot

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Technology helps us communicate at times when social distancing is mandatory
Murilo Medeiros January 26, 2021

Technology helps us communicate at times when social distancing is mandatory The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our lives in different ways, but technology can help us stay connected in these times of isolation. Stores, offices, and call centers are closing, and millions of people are confined to their homes. Working from home is the new standard.

However, the home office does not cover 100% of the operation. Companies are facing millions of consumers that must be assisted, and now they have less capacity to perform this service. Even worse, the COVID-19 pandemic creates a series of new problems that consumers must to solve: managing delayed debt payments, canceling and rescheduling trips, booking hotels, airline tickets, and attending medical appointments via telemedicine. Telephone and digital contacts between consumers and businesses continue to grow.

Consumers need to talk to companies; brands need to talk to their audiences.

How can technology help?

Today, due to the Virtual Assistant (VA), also called bots, conversations can be automated in several channels, such as: WhatsApp, SMS, phone calls, Apple Business Chat, Google Home, Amazon Echo, Web chat, chat apps, totems, and robots. Most commercial use cases can be automated with a Virtual Assistant such as checking an account balance, paying a bill, buying goods, activating and cancelling a service, transferring money, scheduling, confirming or cancelling an appointment via telemedicine. The work of Virtual Assistants increases during the COVID-19 pandemic. During these days of isolation, companies report a five-fold growth in the use of Virtual Assistants via WhatsApp.

So, what should I do if my company does not have a Virtual Assistant?

  • Do it yourself: You can find several tools, platforms, solutions on the market that could meet your needs. The main variables you should consider are the size of your company, the complexity of the use cases you want to automate, your current system and applications, as well as your budget. You will also need a talented and motivated team.
  • Seek help: Many companies offer their services and have the necessary tools and equipment. The results, prices, and impact on business will be very different, depending on the tools, expertise level of the team, and methodology.

Which use cases should I automate?

First think of your goal: cutting costs, increasing revenue, improving user experience. Then, define your KPIs and make a comparative study of the current situation with the future situation for each use case. You are now ready to prioritize.

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Another important question: how long would it take to develop and implement a solution like this?

The time necessary depends a lot on the channel, the use case complexity, and your IT resources. Web chat use cases can be solved in a few days, cases where transactions via WhatsApp take more than a week, and implementing a cognitive contact center takes a few weeks. Remember that selecting a team is essential to create the virtual assistant that best suits the needs of your business.

Therefore, I recommend that you consult the eva.bot platform.

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