For the very first time, ARCOmadrid has a Virtual Assistant to enhance visitor’s experience.
Franco Olave February 24, 2022
For the very first time, ARCOmadrid has a Virtual Assistant to enhance the visitor’s experience. In it’s 2022 version, ARCOmadrid, the Spain’s international contemporary art fair, has surprised its public with a revolutionary demonstration that is not part of the exhibition itself. We are talking about ARC, a friendly Virtual Assistant whose job is to complete the visitor’s experience. By using conversational AI, ARC can give you information about the exhibitor galleries, the exhibition sections and even about the architecture of the venue. Also ARC can interact with any visitor, it talks directly to them, anticipates the user’s needs to suggest them what to do, and it even changes from male to female randomly. Two major companies have come together bringing the art to the digital era: NTT Data, 6th best IT company in the world, and LLYC, lead communications consultancy company in Spain. They have worked tirelessly for months to bring ARC into the fair, using NTT Data’s own enterprise conversational AI platform, eva. eva is an enterprise conversational AI platform that helps you create Virtual Agents from scratch. Powered by it’s own NLP (natural language processor) eva has been able to take ARC beyond the robot, and bring a smart digital person into the exhibition. This powerful technology opens up a world of new possibilities that can be applied in any physical space in any industry. A good example of how we merge the physical and digital world creating phygital spaces. ARC, that has been placed in a totem at the entry of the fair, is the proof that technology can improve any sort of experience in any scenario. This experience proves that this technology doesn’t belong exclusively to the tech industry, and it can be used in any environment. This is the first step of many. ARCOmadrid has opened the door to endless possibilities of proving that communication can be taken into the virtual world, and that information may be provided in the physical world in a more graphic and dynamic way. NTT Data is proud to be a pioneer, bringing this technology into the art world, and being the first company in placing a Virtual Assistant in ARCOmadrid’s history.  
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NTT Data and Voximplant: A powerful alliance that will revolutionize call centers
Jenny Machado February 22, 2022
The alliance of NTT Data and Voximplant announce eva Voice Cloud, a powerful technological solution that offers digital transformation in call centers to companies, with a 100% cloud solution that revolutionizes user experience. NTT DATA, a leading company in transformation, technology and consulting operations in Europe, the United States and LATAM, strengthens its alliance with Voximplant, a leader in cloud call center solutions. The partnership to revolutionize call centers with Conversational AI will be through eva, the platform to create and manage virtual agents created by NTT Data experts which now extends its capabilities in the call center with Voximplant. Together they will offer the best cloud solution to transform the customer experience in call centers. Companies understand they must ensure a high level of user experience, and need to react robustly to new market conditions. User satisfaction when interacting with call centers is very low. Most companies fail to offer a call center service that meets the customer's expectation. Strategic alliances such as  NTT DATA and Voximplant, aim to shed light on this need with an agile and efficient solution. "The most important thing for us is agility, being able to deploy call center solutions in short times where we automate phone calls," says Santiago Santa María Director of Conversational AI at NTT DATA. We created eva Voice Cloud powered by Voximplant, a robust and  complete business solution, which uses artificial intelligence to improve the user experience in voice conversations. "Collaboration is born from the need to drive improvement in care; the pandemic has forced companies to make courageous decisions. Today, migrating to the cloud is a necessity that accelerates the transformation of customer service," says Santiago. No doubt remote work and social distancing increased call center calls.  eva by NTT Data provides robustness and quality in the cloud, thus allowing a faster dialogue with customers. This alliance is ambitious and promising, as both companies have a wide commercial expectation in the use of AI in call centers. Responding to the user immediately and solving their need the first time is a priority and a fundamental requirement to compete in the market of today and the future.
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Agent Template: an easy way to create your virtual assistant 
Jenny Machado January 19, 2022
Creating virtual agents with eva is now faster and easier with the new templates we have designed for you. What can take up to two months of development between research, writing, flow creation, testing and more, can now be reduced to less than a week with Agent Template's.
Agent Template is a collection of flows provided by eva that can be used to establish a base for building conversations.

Currently available:

  • Banking Agent Template, with 37 ready-made flows and 5 use cases for financial services. Available in english, spanish and portuguese.
  • Foundation Agent Template, with 13 flows common to many industries and sectors, such as NPS, Welcome, and Talk to an Agent. Available in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
  • Healthcare Agent Template is a collection of 18 flows focused on healthcare service that can be used to establish a base for building conversations. Available in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
  • Ticketing Agent Template is a collection of 19 flows focused on Ticketing service that can be used to establish a base for building conversations. Available in Spanish and Portuguese.
  • Telecom Agent Template is focused for Telecom virtual assistant, featuring 25 flows. Available in Spanish and Portuguese.
They were designed based on market best practices, with the goal of optimizing both your team and the process of building a virtual agent. We worked together with people from NTT DATA and Digital Experience. 

In agent templates, you will save time on your project because it offers:

  • Ready editable flows. In other words, your team won't have to worry about building the bot flows. You only need to edit the steps and adjust the responses to your business needs.
  • A bot ready for each industry, with specific use cases.
  • Text and walkthrough suggestions, material developed with UX best practices and various studies (such as benchmarks, interviews and user testing).
The consumer will only have to customize the information and webhooks according to their business case.    We have created three versions: Spanish, Portuguese and English, and a manual to help your team.    Agent Templates can speed up many tasks and allow teams to act more strategically. New agent templates for different industries and use cases will be added soon You can download the agent template on Github You may be interested in reading this article: 4 reasons for banks to bet on AI Conversational
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A virtual assistant said: I’m sorry, I didn’t understand correctly, I’m still learning, can you write it another way?
Andrey Lujan December 20, 2021
I ask the Virtual Assistant: Are you really learning? Is someone helping you learn? Do your creators know how to teach you? Do they know what to teach you? I don't think you have learned yet that we, the users, are desperate to save time, avoid long physical lines or tedious minutes of waiting while a call center executive attends to us. When we contact you, we are really impatient.

Let me tell you a story of an experience with a virtual assistant.

Yesterday at 10 o'clock at night I had no TV service, just when there were no branches open, no call center available. And the only thing I found was a floating virtual assistant button, and I couldn't get through the maze of your training to avoid the dreaded "I'm sorry, I didn't understand correctly" sentence. And without being able to help me, you also give me no option to talk to a human who can understand me. You think my satisfaction is increased by just having a floating chat button, a cute name that has the letters "AI" and the best designed avatar.  I think I and many users expect your "AI" (Artificial Intelligence) to be really smart enough to be able to detect that we need to solve problems quickly. I must admit that when you understand me, I really solve my problems in seconds and not in minutes or hours! That's why I want to help you to solve more, and that your "I'm sorry, I didn't understand correctly" is not the sentence that makes you sadder for not being able to help a user with needs. I imagine you sad and overwhelmed, even a little frustrated for not being able to help more. And at the same time, eager to be helped. Help you to be a key player in increasing users' digital NPS, to be central to your company's cost-saving strategy, to make more users prefer to tell you what's wrong with them, and to increase your success rate.

If you can, tell your creators what you already know you should do:

  1. Always convey that you're a bot and not a human. Don't try to look like a human, because the differences are still noticeable.
  2. Teach me the best way to write you, so I can increase your assertiveness rate.
  3. Let me go back so I can ask you about something else. Don't expect me to just end up where you imagine, because I will most likely want to resolve other things.
  4. Don't try to be omnipresent. Surely there are places on digital sites where you simply do not help. It is better not to be in those cases, because I get frustrated and lose the desire to continue the journey.
  5. If you are not yet trained to solve some issues, give me the option to talk to a human. Relax, you've already solved many transactions and that's fine. But sometimes you have to make room for someone else.
  6. And if you can refer me to a human, don't be mean and share all the information. Don't make me waste time telling the whole story again.
  7. Finally, we both know you have all my data, you know what I wrote, at what time, you know if I have already entered other digital channels, even if I have gone to the branch or called the call center. I imagine you might know if I am a good and profitable customer, or my ARPU is higher or lower than average. Ask to look at metrics and statistics so you really learn.
How do I know all this? At NTT DATA we have a methodology that allows us to achieve virtual assistant assertiveness rates of 85% or higher. Our OKR methodology based on metrics and digital analytics, allows us to have a set of Performance, Experience and Business indicators to achieve ROI and increase profitable customer experience.
Our goals are ambitious

We have even set out to achieve in the next 6 months of the launch of a virtual assistant:

  • Obtain 85% NPS
  • Decrease Churn rate to 35%.
  • Decrease the rate of forced executive handovers to 30%.
  • Increase Bot accuracy to 85%.
  • Decrease false positive rate to 30%.
  • Increase case resolution by 85%.
  • Increase positive feedback percentage by 85%.
Let me help you not be embarrassed to say "I'm sorry, I didn't get it right, I'm still learning, can you write it differently?" You may be interested in: 5 steps to writing accurate virtual assistant scripts
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Digital transformation of traditional businesses
Andrey Lujan November 20, 2021
The digital transformation of traditional businesses has been a priority in recent years and has been challenged and even more relevant in recent times, because of the hyper-digitization necessary to sustain business due to the pandemic we are still experiencing. Digital transformation leaders have been invaded by an unprecedented demand for digitalization initiatives. This has involved different strategies for prioritizing and satisfying needs in a short period of time. It has undoubtedly put in value the structures and models of digital transformation adopted by each company.

All initiatives share at least one of the following drivers of digital transformation:

  • Increased customer experience
  • Internal efficiency
  • Increased digital conversion and digital onboarding of new customers. 
Therefore, we have seen how many companies have been convinced of the relevance of digital transformation for the survival of their business. For traditional companies, we have seen a dilemma for the survival of their business. Taking care of the market share of established companies among their traditional competitors and protecting their market from new entrants (mostly born-digital) has put digitalization initiatives on top priority.
We often see the user-centric digital product design model increasingly adopted, at least in intent.
 The user-centered digital product design model is nothing more than putting users' needs for a digital product first. While simple to say, executing it is very complex and requires a lot of discipline. To do this, Customer/User Experience experts use multiple tools to obtain insigth from users to define which are the main needs to prioritize in each of the strategic lines of the company. The change of mindset is very important, and I give a brief example. Lately we have seen an explosive increase in Digital Wallet solutions, mobile payments, QR payments. It seems simple to imagine that a Digital Wallets product requires a payment method enrollment functionality (like a credit card) and as that functionality those who think and design the product can define hundreds of other functionalities.
Now, the above reasoning is product-based and not user-centric.

Expanding the mindset and applying user-centered design we can imagine that the user wants is:

  • Looking for something you need to buy
  • The user will need to pay as quickly as possible.
  • They will want to pay as securely and reliably as possible.
With this mentality it is possible to detect needs that is not simply to enroll a means of payment. And thus, focus on what the user really needs to satisfy to build memorable digital products. We have seen how the production of new features of digital products has increased exponentially. And at the same time, we have seen how many of these features are not well received by users because they have been designed with a mindset focused on the product and not on the user. The increased budget invested in many new digital functionalities that do not fulfill the promise of improving any of the three digital drivers indicated at the beginning (Increased Experience, Efficiency, or Increased Conversion) is very high and the return on investment is often not achieved. In my opinion, not achieving the expected ROI of many of the new digital functionalities is due to not thinking, designing, and prioritizing the product focused on the user. But even more relevant is the overcoming of digital transformation leaders by the beastly functional competition between companies. That is, the prioritization of digital functionalities is not by product-centric prioritization, nor user-centric prioritization, but the prioritization of new digital functionalities is simply to match the new digital functionality that the competition has launched in the market. The competition between short-term objectives of cost reduction and market share growth and the incorporation of digital functionality just to match the competition overshadows the real needs of digital users and customers. Digital transformation leaders must advocate for positioning or repositioning the user-centric product design mindset in their teams. To provide an optimal experience in digital transformation, we invite you to learn about virtual assistants. Great experiences to transform your business
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Why are virtual assistants the future of customer care in banking?
Fabio Distaso October 18, 2021
The impact of the pandemic on face-to-face communication together with the wave of bank branches that have been closing down recently, have forced the banking sector to speed up the digitalization of their customer attention processes. During confinement, some banks have announced a massive growth in the use of their web and app channels, so it’s no surprise that banking institutions accelerated the digital transformation of certain services to foster a new hybrid relationship model between clients and virtual assistants. Allowing banks to streamline the simplest requests, therefore optimising the time that human representatives dedicate to more complex operations, or enabling agents to gather valuable data on the customer and anticipate their needs in the future, are just some of the reasons the new paradigm is so revolutionary.
New generations such as Gen Z have been an important catalyst for the new relationship model.
Their easy access to technology from a very young age has made centennial clients more tech-savvy and informed than any other generation. If, for example, in the past investing in stock was restricted to a more sophisticated and informed audience, nowadays transactions such as buying crypto can be now done in one single click. However, despite the merger that has been occurring between centennials and the new financial technologies, they still expect to have a personalized interaction with a human representative whenever it’s necessary. Thus the implementation of trained virtual assistants that can relegate the conversation to a human counselor if needed, can improve the customer’s experience notoriously. The growing demand for innovative solutions is creating more receptive audiences that are welcoming technology into their lives with more enthusiasm than ever before. Virtual assistants however, even though they are the future of how banks and clients interact, still haven’t reached their full potential because of a series of challenges, in part due to the lack of a fine balance between rationality and emotionality.

The technological and organizational challenges of chatbots

Virtual wallets, e-learning or online training are just a few examples of how advanced technologies are being integrated into daily life and are also teaching us to acquire new habits. Virtual assistants though are still far from being perfectly cognitive tools that integrate the operative layer with the transactional one as they are not yet capable to properly process all the information provided by the client. Artificial intelligence hasn’t evolved yet to the point where the conversation between a client and a chatbot becomes a natural way of communicating and where regular situations such as a change of subject can be successfully recognized and addressed. When a customer starts a conversation with a bot and is asked for personal information but throughout the dialogue other questions arise, the initial data that was provided wasn’t correctly saved. The client then needs to repeat the information or the context, which causes frustration and dissatisfaction with the service. This level of humanized service demands orchestrating many different chatbots in a very complex process because it requires several integrations with other platforms, such as the CRM that the company is using. If voice commands are added, engines for generating speech must be fine-tuned together with text to speech capabilities –and vice versa– or other additional ones such as those capturing human emotions. A correct interpretation of the client’s needs is what will ultimately become an empathetic, fluid and effective relationship between clients and virtual assistants in online banking. Given the sensitive nature of banking transactions and services, an important technological challenge is related to security and compliance. Technological developments in cybersecurity and online fraud need to help build new solidified levels of security within banking transactions by adopting authentication and fraud detection features, voice biometrics, risk management tools and data protection. From an organizational point of view, shifting to a more inclusive customer experience also requires considering human representatives as a crucial part of the service. In order to build trustworthy relationships with virtual assistants, these must be developed enough to recognize when it is the right time to delegate requests to a human agent. This determines banks to put the effort in having dedicated teams, incorporating agile work, and on dedicating proper training to changing strategies as fast as it is demanded. As the cultural paradigm is slowly changing towards a more technological one, considering human help for certain digital banking services, among others, can notoriously decrease the shock of abrupt innovations, especially for older generations to whom these disruptions in traditional processes might feel uncomfortable or intimidating.

The future of virtual assistants for the banking industry

The pandemic is accelerating the digitalization processes as never before, and although the future is certainly unpredictable, it is expected that within the next two to five years, according to our paper on "Conversational Banking: the 7 trends transforming the industry", 30% of the interactions will be managed by virtual assistants. Also, these interactions will eventually become more transactional rather than just informative. In fact, within the next 10 years we expect chatbots to be able to perform operations fully independently while being able to accurately identify a customer with the help of biometrics. During the podcast dedicated to the new relationship between humans and machines, our guests Beatriz Albert, Solutions Specific Knowledge Analyst at everis NTT DATA and Sergio Hermida, Head of Open Banking and Innovation at Liberbank, together with Fabio Distaso, Head of Italy & Global Head of Conversational Banking at everis NTT DATA reached a few key conclusions:
  • Banks have accelerated the digital transformation of certain services in order to foster a new hybrid relationship model between clients and virtual assistants
  • We are now living in a cognitive era where many current clients, especially Gen Z, which recently joined the workforce and began using banking services, are used to an immediate solution to an issue that is delivered with the help of technology while also expecting a personalized human interaction. Fintech companies have been able to take advantage of this particular new audience by offering a very empathetic but digital way of interacting
  • Virtual assistants are still far from being perfect cognitive tools that integrate the operative layer with the transactional one, but they are constantly improving their capacity to accurately recognize contexts, human emotions or show specific feelings such as empathy
  • Chatbots are believed to manage 30% of all interactions between banks and clients in the next two to five years. Also, within the next 10 years we expect virtual assistants to be able to perform operations fully independently while being able to accurately identify a customer with the help of biometrics.
You may be interested in: 4 reasons for banks to bet on AI Conversational
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Masterclass on Conversational AI
Jenny Machado September 23, 2021
Santiago Santa María, Director of conversational AI, participated in the Marketing 2021 Cycle organized by the Chilean Institute of Rational Business Administration ICARE to talk about Conversational AI. In the masterclass, Santiago explained how companies in different sectors have been able to boost their productivity, increase sales, reduce costs, and improve customer experience, thanks to automated conversations created with artificial intelligence. "Today, technological advances and AI make it possible to establish a good connection between companies and customers, and in addition, the benefits of automating processes include reducing costs, increasing sales, scaling and providing the best user experience" expressed Santiago. He also talked about the negative consequences of not creating a good virtual assistant, such as generating a bad experience for users and disconnecting them from the company or brand. Another important point he made was the transition in purchases in new sales channels, such as Instagram or WhatsApp. He indicates that in that sense, Conversational AI, allows scanning data to understand the behavior patterns of users or analyze their habits to guide customers through a specific message, achieving a process of communication and positive relationship between the consumer and the company.
"This allows us in an automated way to complete the entire purchase process and even make the payment in these channels. We are using virtual assistants to increase sales, they are becoming tireless salespeople, who have the capacity to attend 24/7 to as many people as necessary."
Would you like to listen to this masterclass where you will learn tips and recommendations to make a virtual assistant integrate and adapt to the brand values? Watch the Masterclass [embed][/embed] We invite you to learn more about eva to create virtual assistants that adapt to the brand values and achieve a good experience.
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Discover what’s new in eva 3.4 to create powerful virtual assistants
Angela Rodriguez August 30, 2021
Creating virtual assistants is a real challenge, so it is important to have platforms that allows you to manage each process in an optimal way. The eva expert team has worked on improving the product evolving to eva 3.4 version, which brings new features in the dialog manager to create more powerful flows and improve the interaction with users.
We want to tell you about the new features of eva, our platform for creating and managing virtual assistants

Rule cells to manage and customize the flows of your virtual assistants

If you have flows that needs any kind of rules, Rule cells is for you. You can manage and customize flows according to the variations of the business rule. It’s a resource to make your dialog more assertive and much more precise, as the bot will respond to any changeable scenario. To know more about how to create Rule Cells, click here

Code cell

It’s a new way to share information available in eva’s system that doesn’t depend on APIs. It also allows creating variables, that's why it provides immense advantages in a bot flow creation process. Code Cell performs many activities (such as calculations and validation) without the need for this connection. This gives you the following advantages:  
  • Manipulate objects
  • Anticipate executions and actions
  • Perform services without the need for APIs
  • Save time
  • Reduce services costs
To learn how to create a Code cell, just click here  

Integration with Dashbot to have a better analysis about virtual assistants perfomance,

We make available a new integration with Dashbot. This exclusive platform for bot analysis has more than 40 indicators, among which stand out users, conversations, intentions, entities and more. For further information, click here  
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